Banana Berry Yoghurt

by Sarah

I’m sure we all struggle to keep the balance of healthy and naughty when it comes to food…especially dessert. Β I have a sweet tooth and for the sake of leaning more towards the healthier end of the dessert scale, I whip up this quick Banana Berry Yoghurt when I get the cravings. Β It’s not only a healthier option, takes minutes to make, but super delicious too!

The recipe is pretty much what you make of it; you can use different fruits instead of the berries – such as mango, pineapple, peaches, apricots or a medley of all. Β During the summer months, I use frozen fruits (straight out of the freezer, no defrosting) and it turns into an instant cooling sorbet. Β  You can also adjust the sweetness by adding as much or little honey as you like. Β I used a ready mix maple oat crunch for the topping and again, you can use your preferred muesli or granola mix, as well as nuts.

*The recipe below is a decent serving for one, so double up the measurements per person if you need to make more Β 

Here’s what you need…


Place the yoghurt, bananas, honey and the cinnamon in a blender and blend until you get a smooth fluffy texture.

Pour half of the yoghurt into a glass or bowl, top up with fruit and add the remaining half of the yoghurt on top.

Sprinkle your granola mix on top and….


Now how easy is that! and absolutely delish too!

Share it if you love it and let me know if you try it ;)



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Nikell (modestyfashions on Polyvore) May 6, 2013 - 5:27 pm

Oh this looks sooo good! I have a sweet tooth as well. I’ll have to try this out for sure.
I don’t like bananas so do you suggest a substitute? (^_^)

Sarah May 6, 2013 - 6:39 pm

Hi Nikell, you can mix in any fruit you like. Sometimes I skip the bananas too and just blend the berries (minus the cinnamon). Ripe mangoes or fresh strawberries also taste delicious. Let me know if you try it; I’d love to hear about your version ;) xx

Kim May 3, 2013 - 4:26 am

Looks delish! I’ll be adding this to my breakfast options

Sarah May 3, 2013 - 4:54 am

Glad you like it Kim, you can also make a big bowl of it and keep it in the fridge (max 3 days),so all you have to do is add fruits and granola in the mornings ;)


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